IRENE NORDLI (Norway, b. 1967)
Oxblood Vessel 4, 2023
Glazed porcelain
17.75" H x 9" W x 5.75" D
Irene Nordli forms clay into convulsive vessels, complex assemblages freighted with wrinkling folds and amorphous ribbons of matter that cause them to sag, stretch, and falter. There is something akin to an oracle’s divination at work in her practice, offering up the entrails of our cultural detritus for inspection and interpretation. Exquisitely produced, her intricate sculptures turn the body inside out, inviting viewers to contemplate the unformed and reviled: intestinal coils and slabs of clay modeled as if they were composed of the interior membranes of the body.
Nordli’s porcelain vases and closed ceramic forms are mottled with an array of copper-rich flambé glazes; their pristine exterior surfaces, stained with shades of oxblood, reveal hollow cavities and viscera. Red sang-de-boeuf glazes pool against bone-white porcelain. The flecks of crimson appear to flay the objects, producing a hybrid image somewhere between ceremonial vase and modern body horror. As such, they offer a grisly foil to the minimalist simplicity of mid-century design.
Nordli holds degrees from Akershus University College and the National College of Art and Design. Her work has been exhibited widely throughout Norway and abroad, including in numerous public commissions for the Arendal Kultur og Rådhus, Søgne City Hall, Mesterfjellet School, and Biri Omsorgssenter. Awards include the BKH Kunsthåndverk Prize, the Statens Garantiinntekt, the Norwegian Council of Culture, and a five-year scholarship from the Norsk Kulturråd. Recent solo exhibitions include Kunsthall Grenand, Tjørnedala Konsthall, Format Oslo, and the NNKS Nordnorsk Kunstnersenter.